At the plenary meeting of the heirs on November 25, 1998 it was agreed that “The Succession Process is the exclusive right of the heirs of the late KGPAA Paku Alam VIII Al Haj, for that the heirs must do it by deliberation to reach consensus.
The same thing was conveyed by the elder Hudyono at a family meeting on November 23, 1998 in Jakarta, that “The succession of the Pakualaman Praja Leader and the Pakualaman Family Head is internal to the family and therefore must be resolved by the heirs of the late Sri Paduka KGPAA. Paku Alam VIII AI Haj, which consists of 2 wives and the sons and daughters.
There was a family meeting on March 7, 1999, which discussed, among other things, the issue of Paugeran Jawi (unwritten customary law) and lbu sepuh (the eldest/elder mother).
At the meeting it was acknowledged by KRAy. Purnamaningrum that she is a YOUNG wife with the nickname diajeng/younger sister and KRAy.Ratnaningrum is an ELDERLY wife with the nickname Mbakyu(elder sister). This refers to evidence which includes:
Referring to the promise made by the late KGPAA Paku Alam VIII Al Haj in front of his biological grandfather, SISKS Paku Buwono X when he proposed to KRAy. Ratnaningrum as a wife that if the daughter of Solo (KRAy. Ratnaningrum) comes later, she should be made the first WIFE / ELDERLY means if the first child of the elder wife is male, then the position will De elder and is the first ohiId who has the right to the throne. The existence of the Promise refers to the evidences, among others;
Official Certificate from SISKS Paku Buwono XII.
Official Certificate of living witnesses, namely GRAy. Brotodiningrat (Putri Paku Buwono X), GRAy. Kusumojati (Princess Paku Buwono X), RAy. Sumodiningrat (Bedoyo Paku Buwono X), and Nyai Lurah Hamung Sugata (abdi dalem
With this promise, the appropriate sign was given to the grandmother of KGPAA Paku Alam VIII (namely the wife of SISKS Paku Buwono X) named KBRAy. Retno Purnomo. KBRA name. Retno Purnomo was then divided into 2 for the two wives of KGPAA Paku Alam VIII, namely:
Retno + Ningrum = KRAy. Ratnoningrum as elderly precedence/elderly, and
Purnomo+Ningrum = Purnamaningrum which is behind/younger.
Other matters concerning succession have not reached a common ground but have been declared final by KPH Ambarkusumo so that there was a walkout by lr. KPH. H. Probokusumo and KPH. H. Songkokusumo. Therefore, it was agreed that a mediator should be taken from Hudyono’s elders.
However, surprisingly. at the last meetina on April 18, 1999, a Declaration made by 12 elders and relatives with the rank of prince lurah/regent on behalf of Hudyono was made on April 6, 1999 in Jakarta, which reads: “Support and Name KPH Ambarkusumo as Paku Alam IX and exclude parties who disagree with the coronation both internally and externally.”
Based on the declaration, KPH Ambarkusumo performed coronation ( Jumenengan) as Paku Alam IX without the approval of all heirs. The KPH Ambarkusumo also rejected the use of the Notary Deed at the time of Jumenengan which was proposed at the last meeting and rejected the need for signatures of approval from other heirs.
Ambarkusumo’s side also refused and did not want to acknowledge all the evidence regarding the Promise of the late KGPAA Paku Alam VIII Al Haj with his biological grandfather, SISKS Paku Buwono X.
The KPH Ambarkusumo also does not assign its rights and obligations as Paku Alam to its younger brothers and sisters and does not assign/distribute inheritance rights which are also the rights of all legal heirs, whether it is the personal property of the late KGPAA Paku Alam VIII Al Haj or kingdom’s Assets. Royal Treasure until he died.
KPH Ambarkusumo’s side also forcibly dismantled the room of the late KGPAA Paku Alam VIII Al Haj and took all valuables unilaterally. And more than that, KPH Ambarkusumo also carried out forcibly dismantling the Puro Pakualaman museum which had been managed by KPH. H. Anglingkusumo.
Thus, lr. KPH. H. Probokusumo stated that coronation (Jumenengan) KPH Ambarkusumo was illegitimate and with no approval from all legal heirs to the throne, not using a notarial deed recognized by state law and only based on a declaration in Hudyono’s name. The declaration has violated Hudyono’s Statutes and bylaws (AD-ART.)
Hudyono in this case should only function as a mediator. Hudyono does not have a mandate from the heirs to perform Jumenengan and does not have the right to elect or judge a king in his Statutes and bylaws. The Hudyono Association itse!i is an association that is not a legal entity/does not have a notarial deed of establishment so that the declaration has no legal basis/legal defects.
It should be noted that after the death of KGPAA Paku Alam VIII, the briefcase he always carried with him every day which contained 3 folders, money and keys to the safe (according to the information from the courtiers who served him every day and the last one helped him enter the contents of the bag) was LOST so far not found. The bag is suspected to contain a will that was left by the deceased considering that based on journalists’ statements since 1989, in fact he has appointed a successor / Crown Prince.
The Puro Pakualaman Succession Problem Re-emerges
In 2001 KPH. H. Anglingkusumo wrote a book about the succession of Puro Pakualaman with the title “Sebuah Dinasti yang Terkoyak /A Torn Dynasty”. The book was then dissected through a book review conducted by the Postgraduate of the Islamic University of Indonesia.
The outcome of the book review was that several experts were advised to sue through the Administrative Court to consider the evidence that was quite complete and adequate.
With the enthusiasm, “Mikul duwur mendhem jero-javanese gesture to honor the high and to apologise the wrongdoing” and avoids a bigger commotion, the advice of the experts has not been implemented by the KPH. H. Anglingkusumo. KPH. Anglingkusumo prefers the persuasive method by hoping that over time there will be awareness from the KPH Ambarkusumo or Hudyono parties to then carry out reconciliation efforts as happened to Puro Mangkunegaran in Solo.
Based on a request from one of the publishers, the second edition of the book “A Torn Dynasty” was made, Unexpectedly the book became a booming before it reached the publishers, until now KPH. H. Anglingkusumo was unable to handle the request for the book.
Family feuds began to resurface when the KPH Ambarkusumo camp was about to certify the Paku Alam Land (PAG) in Kulon Progo to be used for iron sand mining and the airport. This was opposed by the family of the Ir. KPH. H. Probokusumo which is now being led by KPH. Anglingkusumo as the eldest son after the death of Ir. KPH. H. Probokusumo and signed by all heirs of the late KRAy. Ratnaningrum (Probokusumo/Anglingkusumo’sside).
It is suspected that the above is the background for the occurrence, “the inauguration. KPH.H. Anglingkusumo became KGPAA Paku Alam IX on March 15, 2012 by the Adikarto’s community in Kulon Progo, it was happened spontaneously at the Earth Alms event as well as the 102th anniversary of the birth of KGPAA Paku Alam VIII, in which the Inauguration was ratified by a notarial deed legalized by the Kulon Progo District Court .
The incident was under pressure from the KPH Ambarkusumo camp, and even a semi-violent action took place at the residence of KPH H. Anglingkusumo. The incident has been reported to the DIY Police, but the Police did not proceed further. This actually increased the public’s attention and sympathy for what was really going on so that the demand for the 2nd edition of the book “The Torn Dynasty” increased along with the increasing support for KPH. H. Anglingkusumo.
Along with the increasing number of KPH.H.Anglingkusumo’s supporters. as KGPAA Paku Alam IX from relatives and the community, the Association of Relatives and Kawulo Pakualaman
{HKPA) of Notokusumo has been ratified by Notary Deed number 147 on July 10, 2012 which already has representatives in several provinces, districts/cities and even representatives in the United States, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Spain, Hong Kong, Ghana, Uganda, Germany and the United Kingdom.